Perl is a well-liked scripting language which is regarded as being one of the most practical languages in the online world. It is feature-rich and it's used to generate a variety of web-based apps and CGI scripts. What differentiates Perl from most of the alternative languages on the internet is the compatibility with modules - groups of commands for a particular process which can be integrated into a script by calling them which means that you'll be able to write just a single line inside your script to have a whole module executed, instead of having the whole program code which is already a part of the module anyway. Because Perl is compatible with various other languages and it provides a lot of options depending on what a particular app can do, it's employed by lots of popular companies - the BBC, Craigslist, The Internet Movie Database (IMDB), cPanel, etcetera.

Perl Scripting in Cloud Hosting

If you purchase a cloud hosting from our company, you're able to run Perl/CGI scripts without any problems since we have a large number of modules on the cloud platform where all of the shared accounts are set up. With each and every plan, you'll be given access to over 3000 modules which you can use in your scripts and you can find the complete list within your Hepsia hosting Control Panel together with the path which you should use in order to gain access to them. Should you use any kind of script that you've downloaded from a third-party site, you can be sure that it will run properly whatever the modules it needs for that. Any kind of .pl script can be executed manually or you will be able to set up a cron job to do this automatically at a certain time interval. In case your web hosting plan does not feature cron jobs, you are able to add this attribute with just a couple of clicks within the Upgrades area of your Control Panel.

Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you wish to include CGI scripts on your websites or some other Perl-based app for that matter, you will not encounter any kind of problems if you use a semi-dedicated server account from us. Thousands of Perl modules are installed on our machines and you are able to call each of them by including the path which you can find in your Control Panel into the script that you've chosen. Any time you download some app from a third-party website, for example, you can rest assured that you will be able to use it whatever the modules it requires to work. Given that your .pl files include the appropriate UNIX permissions to ensure they are executable, you'll be able to choose whether a given script will be executed manually by a visitor doing something on your site, or automatically by creating a cron job in your account. With the latter option, your script can be executed every day, hour or minute depending on your preference.